My childhood wishlist

        When i was a kid , i used to have write everything i desire to have in the future on a list and i forgot about it . 
         i found this list in my old diary and i wanted to share it with you to cheer my inner child up . 

* I wish :
- To have a bic 
- To have a brother 
- To have good friends can love me without steeling my toys 
- To live in my home city with my big family (done)
- To see my grandfather who passed away before i see him 
- To have a long hair   my mom used to cut my hair short ( Done ) 
- To travel into the moon - i used to think that there are people like us there - 
- To see myself how will be when i become 18  ( Done ) 
- To  have a room full of fried potato - i adore fried potato haha - 
- To see my imaginary friend who i used to talk to all the time 
- To know these white shiny points in the night sky  ( Done ) 
- To know what's behind the mountains ( Done)
- To have my own income ( Done)
- To create a new pinky world with big toys and a lot of candies and sweets 
- To have a piano 
- To have a computer to play games on it ( Done )
- To have a phone (Done) 


  1. Ha! I wanted a Lamborghini Countach, I had a toy car version but wanted a real one... I'm still working on it.

  2. Wow your list of wishes is so big and good to see that many has already done. Gud going. Best of luck for others too. Interesting reading


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